The League of Sedentary Gentlemen #85

Cousin Jade, Boomer, and Fossil Gamer join me for this one: We’re back!! It’s a fuckin minute, life gets in the way sometimes, but the League is back baby. In this episode, inflation sucks, Nike sucks, lots of gun talk, aaaaaannnnnd so much more. Enjoy….

The League of Sedentary Gentlemen #71

Silent Benny and Cousin Jade join me for this one: Cousin Jade gets a new rock star gig, I’m jelly. Walmart sucks, change my mind. Resident evil is rebooting and I’m cautiously optimistic. Plenty of video game talk. A little Disney talk. Aaaand so much more….

The League of Sedentary Gentlemen Season 2 Finale.

Fossil Gamer, Ron of the League and the Father join me for this one: Season 2 Finale! We made it to the end of this dumpster fire 2020 season, yay for us… Trump is in full toddler mode, and it’s pretty awesome. What did you score on Black Friday? How do you feel about Netfix caving to Dave Chappelle? Tons of gaming talk, like tons of it. RIP Darth Vader (the body not the voice). Aaannnd so much more….

The League of Sedentary Gentlemen #35

The Father, Fossil Gamer, Ron of the League, and Silent Benny join me for this one: You read that right, Silent Benny is back! The father likes all the meats. Some Nintendo news that I’m excited for. The father’s access to Downtown Disney was denied. You don’t need a smoker to smoke meat in Glendora. Ron tries to do healthy things in unhealthy weather. Who had earthquake on their 2020 bingo card? Silent Benny isn’t used to our distance learning model, using google is kinda rough. Fossil Gamer has an interesting problem that you’ll just love to hear about (it involves gloves). When we see homeless people with dogs we tend to feel more sorry for the dog. Aaaand so much more….

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